Common Cause Florida

We are looking for a number of volunteers to help us carry out our investigation of the 2004

Florida election.

As you know, Common Cause has continued to research the 2004 elections in a number of places across the U.S. We believe there are still many unanswered questions about what really took place in the election process before, during, and after Election Day. Our goal is not to change the results, but to learn what happened and why. Once we have collected enough data to be able to analyze what happened, we'll begin proposing changes to the election system in hopes of avoiding similar problems in future years.

This week we would like to begin deploying volunteers to these key counties, where they will assist with our efforts to examine the election process in a systematic and thorough manner:

Palm Beach

This work will involve going to the county elections office and asking for the documents from the election supervisors. The volunteers will be given instructions about which documents to request, and what to do with the documents when they receive them. This is an extremely important effort. Its success depends on the help of a cadre of volunteers who believe in the importance of free and unquestionable elections.

If you would like to volunteer (THANK YOU!), please contact us at or (850) 222-3883.

If you can't volunteer but would like to give us your financial support, we would greatly appreciate your support and contributions for our work to protect the integrity of our elections. We are doing everything we can to remove doubts about the integrity of our electoral process, and we need you to stay with us now.

Please forward this email on to ten of your friends today!

Thank you for all you do for Common Cause Florida.

Ben Wilcox
Executive Director
Common Cause Florida