Solar Jam Remote Control
  1. Opening: Salute to the Sun and Equinox Ceremony
  2. Solar Powered Music: Gary and Forrest
  3. Solar 101 Class,
    Solar Powered Music
    : Wiley Dobbs
  4. Talk: Drew Hudson of VPIRG
  5. Talk and Music: Sean Zigmund
  6. Solar 101 Class with Gary
  7. Solar Powered Music: Gary and Paul
  8. Solar Powered Music: Gary and Paul,
    Talk: Karl Goetz from Richmond Climate Action Committee
  9. Talk: Chris Williams from Citizens Action Network, on Nuclear Power
  10. Solar Powered Music: The Bonafide Dregs

Use the list on the left to watch any part.



Music Sounds Better On Solar Energy! The Solar Jam is a 100% solar powered event, designed to show people that solar energy really works. All the power used in the event comes from the solar panels on the roof of the Solar Bus. This year's event took place in Richmond, VT.

The Solar Bus is an educational project, demonstrating to the world that solar energy really works! We're not waiting for a breakthrough anymore. We just need to put it to use! Solar energy is cost effective, doesn't pollute greenhouse gases, and it creates jobs. Go Solar! Visit our website for more information about solar energy, solar powered educational toys, and take a ride on the Solar Bus!